
Expert agency

We identify the obstacles to converting visitors to your website, so that you can generate more revenue from the same traffic and bring you growth.

A CRO service from Mangrovea means :

Complete audit

Including reports on site speed on different media, detailed analysis of visitor behavior, and a listing of all possible obstacles to conversion.

Implementing the recommendations

Beyond the simple identification of optimization opportunities, we implement these strategic recommendations, ensuring a seamless transition from theory to practice for tangible results.

Mangrovea server

Tracking results

Rigorous performance monitoring to validate the effectiveness of deployed strategies, enabling real-time adjustments and ongoing optimization.

Raising awareness among your teams

Training sessions for your teams so that they understand the principles of conversion optimization and can apply them independently.

Why choose Mangrovea?

Tired of visitors leaving your site without converting? Would you like to increase your conversion rate without necessarily increasing your traffic? 

The Mangrovea team is made up of experts specialized in web marketing analysis. They will identify the obstacles to conversion on your site, suggest relevant improvements and rigorously test these modifications to guarantee tangible growth for your business.

Senior consultants only

We develop strategies and design content to maximize your conversion rate.

Understanding the context

We guide the right visitors to your site to increase your sales opportunities.

Tailor-made offer

We analyze and optimize your costs and revenues to continuously improve your profitability.

Quality of results

We set up targeted loyalty programs to keep your customers coming back.

Exploiting the full potential of CRO

Mangrovea is not only a multidisciplinary team, but also a network of hand-picked independent experts covering all your needs.

Course of the service

We're with you every step of the way.

Audit & Analysis

Fixed price

Initial phase involving an in-depth audit of the website to identify areas for improvement and obstacles to conversion.
We explore analytics data, examine user journeys, and use tools like heatmaps to understand user behavior.

Based on these insights, a customized CRO strategy is drawn up, with clearly defined conversion objectives and KPIs, and detailed planning of the A/B tests to be carried out.


Fixed price

This phase focuses on theapplication of CRO strategy.
We set up the tests; each element of the site, whether call-to-action buttons, images or text, is tested in isolation to determine its impact on the conversion rate.
Tests are interpreted using detailed analytical dashboards. Insights gleaned from test data include used to make ongoing improvements to the site.

Tracking results

Fixed price

Once the optimizations have been implemented, a rigorous results monitoring process is in place. Advanced analytics tools, such as Google Analytics and Hotjar, are used to monitor in detail the effectiveness of changes made and their impact on conversion rates and other key KPIs. This enables a transparent and continuous assessment of site performance.

Optimize your website's full potential

The Mangrovea team can help you optimize your website through a number of other services.

Shall we call you?

Boost your business with an agency that knows how to generate concrete results.

Book a discovery call with our team today and find out how we can help you make the most of your Google Ads and Social Ads campaigns.

They talk about us

Read some of our customers' reviews

Thibault Genon-Catalot
Thibault Genon-Catalot
CEO @Papa Flamingo
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Serious, very generous with advice. The team is highly educational and always ready to suggest new solutions to our problems! At the top ❤️
Cédric Colon
Cédric Colon
Co-Managing Director @Batispirit
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Very professional and serious team, Above all, we worked with Sébastien, who mastered his subject perfectly and helped us enormously in setting up a digital strategy.
David Haziza
David Haziza
CEO @Sensiness
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Very satisfied with Sebastien and Maxime's service. Professional and attentive team. Great support in optimizing our site's performance. In short, I recommend them without hesitation.
Fanny Bonhaure
Fanny Bonhaure
CMO @Copernic
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Agency with strong proposals, accessible and available. Mangrovea was able to understand our objectives and implement a global strategy for acquiring qualified leads on Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads. Their strength also lies in their responsiveness, which enables us to achieve good results.
Léo Daudenet
Léo Daudenet
Manager @Nuisibles13
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I highly recommend Mangrovea for their expertise. We've been working with them since the beginning of the year and have noticed a nice increase in leads. Their monthly reports are comprehensive and give a good overview of our business.
Customer reviews

We turn your growth objectives into tangible results.


CRO is a systematic approach to increasing the percentage of visitors to a website or mobile application who carry out a desired action, be it buying a product, signing up for a newsletter or filling in a contact form.

Even a small improvement in conversion rate can lead to a significant increase in revenue. CRO helps you maximize the value of each visitor by improving the efficiency of your website or application.

A/B and use data to guide our optimizations.

How long it takes to see improvements depends on the complexity of the tests and the changes made. However, with a systematic, data-driven approach, improvements can often be seen in a matter of weeks or months.

Not if it's done right. At Mangrovea, we ensure that our CRO recommendations and testing are in harmony with SEO best practices and other marketing strategies to guarantee overall growth.

We have experience in a variety of sectors, but our approach is always data-driven and tailored to the specific needs of each customer. Each industry has its own particularities, and we adapt our strategies accordingly.

We use a variety of tools, including (but not limited to) Google Analytics, Hotjar, Optimizely and VWO. Our choice of tools depends on the specific needs of the project and the client's objectives.

Want to know more about the latest trends in digital marketing?

Our CRO agency can help you

What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?

The pillars of an effective CRO strategy

Importance of A/B Testing in Conversion Rate Optimization

Understanding and Optimizing the Customer Journey for Better Conversions

Why use a CRO Agency?

How to Choose the Right CRO Agency

Training and Support: Become a CRO Expert with Our Agency

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Sébastien Castelli
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Maxime Cochini
CEO & Co-Founder
Themes: Ads
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Sébastien Castelli
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Choose a date and time that suits you for a discovery call with our team.

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Maxime Cochini
CEO & Co-Founder
Themes: Ads

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